curated by Mario Codognato
Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
With the patronage of Ambasciata Britannica di Roma
Organized byZètema Progetto Cultura Main SponsorBNL - Gruppo BNP Paribas
In collaboration with di MasterCard Priceless Rome
Media Partner Il Messaggero
With the technical contribution of Hotel de Russie Roma
Anish Kapoor is back at long last for his first exhibition in an Italian museum in 10 years.
Curated by Mario Codognato
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The exhibition is a testimony to Kapoor’s unflagging research in the formal and conceptual spheres, which has informed his artistic practice from the start, contrasting the highly engineered and more organic processes of his work.
The exhibition will comprise a series of reliefs and paintings made up of jutting layers of red and white silicone and paint, as well as monumental architectural sculptures, including the extraordinary “Sectional Body Preparing for Monadic Singularity”, displayed last year outdoors in the park of the Palace of Versailles, and proposed here at the MACRO in a dialogue with the museum’s architecture.