June 25 > October 30, 2011
Curated by Adriana Polveroni


Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali

The installation devised by Vittorio Corsini for the MACRO terrace involves the public emotionally in an unusual story of the city of Rome. The artist organizes space within the social fabric in a way that makes the public the real protagonist of his work. It is a reflection on living space, which is analysed, emphasising the most intimate and poetic conceptual features, by means of a comfortable outdoor sofa. Like a surreal American garden, enclosed by a white fence, visitors can sit on a couch and listen to stories and poems about the city of Rome, written and narrated by Melanie G. Mazzucco and Valerio Magrelli.