June 25 > September 15, 2011
Curated by Costanza Paissan 
III Floor
Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali

Giovanni De Angelis: Water Drops

Giovanni De Angelis’s photographic project, "Water Drops", looks at the theme of twin births from two perspectives, social and anthropological, embarking on an in-depth exploration of the ideas of identity, uniqueness of the individual and relationships with others. Intrigued by the stories and news from Candido Godo, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, the photographer left for the South American town to see with his own eyes what is called "the land of twins", developing the project together with the psychotherapist Luisa Laurelli, who met and interviewed a number of twins. The two faces of research, artistic and scientific, have thus been integrated in a thorough investigation of the social, psychological and individual reality of this place and its inhabitants.