June 25 > October 30, 2011
curated by Luca Massimo Barbero ed Elena Forin

Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali

Riccardo De Marchi: Roman Forum
Curated by Luca Massimo Barbero and Elena Forin. III Floor.

Riccardo De Marchi’s installation is a blend of irony, quotation, writings, individuality and work space. Focusing on the narrative as an outline of content, a representation of really and a method to penetrate it, the artist presents a series of works, such as album covers, directly on the museum surfaces, making holes in the back wall of the room, which then becomes, like works in aluminium, steel and plexiglass, a surface area for his "Martian" writing. A hole or a perforation is De Marchi’s starting point for an analysis of things. He has fun "freely mapping various famous artists - from Fontana to Derrida and Pollock", developing an indecipherable language. To the accompaniment of the notes and rhythms of new musical recordings, areas of light and shade, and playing with the presence nothingness on the surfaces, he communicates new and curious biographies to the public.