June 25 > October 30, 2011
MACROradici contemporary art: Bice Lazzari. The balance of space

Curated by Luca Massimo Barbero and Francesca Pola. II floor.

Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali

The fourth exhibition of "MACROradici contemporary art" features Bice Lazzari: one of the most complex figures in the international abstract art scene, whose work spans the twentieth century from the lyric abstraction of the twenties and thirties to the minimalist sixties and seventies, and who in this exhibition is again brought to the attention of the general public, her articulate and groundbreaking artistic vision as topical as ever. The exhibition brings this artist back to the city of Rome, where she produced some of her most extraordinary works, and like a great autobiography of Lazzari’s work it confirms the anticipatory role she played in different periods and highlights her international importance. Thanks to the cooperation of the Bice Lazzari Archive, the exhibition includes a significant selection of her works on canvas and paper, many of them never seen or exhibited before. Looking at these secret images, on the walls or in the special MACRO cabinets, the visitor is astounded by Bice Lazzari’s extraordinary creativity, her structural rigour, refined chromatic sensitivity and intense humanity.