curated by Danilo Eccher
Image: PAOLO CHIASERA/MACRO, Forget the heroes, 2008, Still da video, Tecnica mista; 4 canali video, Foto: Luca Fontana, Collezione MACRO Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma
In the Panorama Galleries, the exhibition space devoted to young artists, MACRO is presenting Forget the Heroes, the new project by Paolo Chiasera which is destined for the Museum’s Permanent Collection.
A young artist from Bologna, Paolo Chiasera (1978) is one of the most promising emerging talents on the contemporary art scene. True to its mission to support and promote emerging art, MACRO is hosting the project, which is based on the transformation of the theories of four important people who made their mark on the twentieth century: for economics there is Adam Smith, the eighteenth-century economist and philosopher who paved the way for the free-enterprise economy; for town planning, Le Corbusier, the early twentieth-century architect who created a town plan for three million inhabitants by making a careful separation of space; for information technology Seymour Cray, the electronic engineer who designed the simultaneous calculation systems that are now used for video animations; and for linguistics, Noam Chomsky, the founder of transformational-generative grammar based on man’s innate understanding of the universal principles that regulate the creation of language.