For [MACROLETTURE] by Maria Ida Gaeta, an extract of the reading of the poetic collection
"Historiae" written by Antonella Anedda [Einaudi, 2018] which was held on Sunday 10th of February in the Auditorium MACRO ASILO. Video © Monkeys VideoLab
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38.000 visitors. On the program: 37 master classes, 13 conferences, 28 talks, debates, round tables,...
Wolf Vostell and Contemporary friends / Video Art Meeting "1963-1971 De-coll / age Video - Films": the...
Part 1 | November 1 - 7 2018 | MACRO ASILO hosted the second icono-sonora survey on the voice of human...
November 1 - 30 2018 | ambiente #2 | Inside the show/circus The Great Cuppone and the Divine Jack | The...
MACRO Asilo hosts the Chinese artist, activist and political dissident, Wu Yuren within the project...
Ria Lussi presents "Io sono Giordano Bruno" October 1 - 30 2018 | a month of activities, meetings, talks,...
December 11 - 16, 2018. "La chambre des coeurs" by Paolo Angelosanto. Atelier #4. [video © Monkeys VideoLab]
An excerpt from Peter Weibel's Lectio magistralis "The museum as an assembly" | Auditorium, Saturday...
Luca Rossi / Alberto Angela accompanies visitors on an unconventional visit to Macro Asilo. [video ©...
An excerpt from Saul Newman's Lectio Magistralis "Post-anarchism and art theory"«This art experiment which...
An excerpt from Michel Maffessoli's Lectio magistralis of 10 November 2018 in the MACRO Asilo Auditorium....
December 1 - 30 2018 | Ambiente #1. Four light textures on the walls of the dark hall. A luminous...