Observations in the margins of the #Lectio Magistralis "Rethinking materiality: the surface of the screen" about museum "editing".
"Open storage, going to dig in the historical memory of a museum; don't memorize it but find in the randomness that is formed inside the archive of a museum, a different history of art".
Sunday February 24, 2019 | Auditorium MACRO ASILO
Video © Monkeys VideoLab
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Ria Lussi presents "Io sono Giordano Bruno" October 1 - 30 2018 | a month of activities, meetings, talks,...
Wolf Vostell and Contemporary friends / Video Art Meeting "1963-1971 De-coll / age Video - Films": the...
38.000 visitors. On the program: 37 master classes, 13 conferences, 28 talks, debates, round tables,...
Luca Rossi / Alberto Angela accompanies visitors on an unconventional visit to Macro Asilo. [video ©...
Part 1 | November 1 - 7 2018 | MACRO ASILO hosted the second icono-sonora survey on the voice of human...
November 1 - 30 2018 | ambiente #2 | Inside the show/circus The Great Cuppone and the Divine Jack | The...
MACRO Asilo hosts the Chinese artist, activist and political dissident, Wu Yuren within the project...
Franco Farinelli presents the second appointment dedicated to the word "Human" in the MACRO Asilo Stanza...
December 11 - 16, 2018. "La chambre des coeurs" by Paolo Angelosanto. Atelier #4. [video © Monkeys VideoLab]
An excerpt from Peter Weibel's Lectio magistralis "The museum as an assembly" | Auditorium, Saturday...
An excerpt from Saul Newman's Lectio Magistralis "Post-anarchism and art theory"«This art experiment which...
From 9 to 25 November, Gonzalo Borondo presents, in the courtyard of MACRO Asilo, a preview of N̶O̶N̶ PLUS...