Second part of the "Retrospettiva 1977-2018" by Cesare Petroiusti. After the first appointment in October, in which the artist has told, for twelve consecutive hours, his work since 1977, it is the turn of the second episode of the narrative from 1996 onwards. December 21 2018, Sala Lettura. [video © Monkeys VideoLab]
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Saturday February 16, 2019 Alex Braga + Extraweg FORWARDFoyer MACRO ASILO
A performance curated by...
#Autoritratto of Ennio Calabria Auditorium MACRO ASILO Thursday February 14, 2019 Video © Monkeys VideoLab
Paolo Serafini | Bought and Sold The art market from the nineteenth century to the present day. Lectio...
As in the ancient Japanese art of kintsugi, in which broken ceramics are repaired through the use of gold,...
Pasquale Polidori | La linea d'ombra #2 curated by Diletta Borromeo Notte, oscurità, attesa del possibile,...
"Rovesciare", a philosophical artistic project by Paola Romoli Venturi.Stanza d'artista | until February...
Corda & Taiko Performance The art of taiko, the Japanese drum, meets that of shibari. Isabella Corda,...
Artist's studios in January 2019 at MACRO ASILO
8th-13th | Giovanna Noia, Itto, Francesco Irnem, Davide...
#Lectio Magistralis by Massimo Canevacci "Ubiquitous Visions: an anthropological experience of digital...
Pietro Clemente's speech in the Anthropology Day curated by Vincenzo Padiglione.Stanza delle Parole MACRO...
Nora Lux | Vitriolum IV #performance Saturday 9th February 2019 Spazio Incontri MACRO ASILO Last chapter...